British Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijanest.1995

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Upcoming Events and Projects

Carbon Mitigation and Market Mechanisms Seminars

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1, 2 October 2024 - Landmark hotel

The Chamber, BSi, and the British Embassy in Baku are set to host informative seminars for the local business community. Topics to be explored include carbon markets, carbon credit verification, corporate emissions management, the UK carbon border adjustment mechanisms, and the UK's role in shaping global carbon market infrastructure frameworks. Integrating sustainability into business provides a competitive advantage by becoming more attractive to consumers and attracting more capital from investors and shareholders.

ACG-30 years: From vision to value

bp Annual Conference

october 9, 2024 - four seasons hotel


BCCA is excited to host the Annual Conference by bp, this time celebrating ACG's 30-year journey.

30 years ago, on 20 September 1994, the Government of Azerbaijan and a group of international oil companies representing eight countries signed the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli Production Sharing Agreement (PSA), which later became known as the "Contract of the Century".